Friday, January 20, 2017

When you get complacent (on a motorbike),

(One second, you are riding your beautiful bike and the next, you're left with a wrecked POS and, possibly, a trip to the hospital.)

Thursday, January 19, 2017

The Emoluments of Mars: No, Neil Armstrong did not liken himself to a parrot‏

The Emoluments of Mars: No, Neil Armstrong did not liken himself to a parrot‏

Impossible to comment, in the linked Blogger post... Here are the screenshots:

Ok, since I am unable to comment on my own blog (through, either, Firefox or Opera), this is what I wanted to write - originally:

Reminder: What Armstrong actually said was "Wilbur Wright once noted that the only bird that can talk is the parrot, and he doesn't fly very well, so I'll be brief".

Right, so that's not what he had said. It's: 

"[..] once noted that the only bird that could talk was the parrot and he didn't fly very well, so I'll be brief."

^^ Whether there's any implication to the meaning, due to the changes; I have no idea.

Original article's link to the video: